A Carew's News Quip--From N'djamena, Chad;
FROM N'DJAMENA, CHAD My wife and I arrived in N'djamena a few days ago, the 23rd I guess it was. Being born and raised in Michigan has really spoiled me as far as weather conditions are concerned. As far as that goes, I guess I've been spoiled as far as what the countryside should look like too. We lived in North Carolina for a little more than the past year. North Carolina was nice as well. The winter was even nicer than Michigan's, especially this past winter! My impression of Chad is very much different than that of the formerly mentioned states. Stepping from the air-conditioned plane to the steps that would take us down to the paved tarmac was quite a shock--a very hot shock. As we approached the airport I also noted that the countryside was quite barren...and brown. It didn't look like a place where there was, or should be, much life. This morning, we went and visited the biggest Baptist church in N'djamena. I was given a new impression of this pla...