THE STUFF LEGENDS ARE MADE OF 2 Peter 2:19 KJV While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. The other day, we found ourselves making another trip to Koumra to do some things in the mission homes there, and while moving things around I found a copy of the book by Warren Wiersbe, Preaching and Teaching with Imagination (Thanks, Mark Seymour, for leaving it behind). It was a good read the first time I perused through it, so I grabbed it to have some additional reading material here in Sarh. On page twenty-five I read, Imagination, It is the bridge that links the world around you with the world within you. It's great to have imagination. Imagination is what drives many to success. Ideas are formulated in the mind and imagination takes those ideas and expands them and helps us tak...
Showing posts from July, 2014