Prov 11:9 An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered. I enjoy perusing Facebook. I must admit it. It is a connective media that allows me access to things pertaining to family, to friends, to the churches that support us, to recent news from areas of interest, and the list could continue. I am one that fought the social media draw for quite awhile, thinking it had no real value and could possibly harm as much as help anyone. I did succumb, but I'm not sure my position about it has changed all that much. There is much that is good. I am happy that most of the contacts I have through Facebook are with those that are Christians. There are others though, and they will know who they are, that I have 'friended' particularly because I'm quite sure they are not Christians. To simplify what I'm speaking about, let me define what I mean by a Christian. A Chris...